~Audi alteram partem~

You know your part of the story. Now hear the other side.
Cos everyone just want to be heard

Showing posts with label random thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label random thoughts. Show all posts
Most of the greatest masterpieces in this world are not -never- created on the purpose of money.
Men in this decade are the most un-chivalric of all time.
Is this the bad effect of gender equality?


Which is worse? To live in denial or to live in hatred?
Most of the time, imaginations are way too beautiful.

The problem with people today is, we try to make everything easier and simpler.
Thus we make them less special.
For me, the greatest mystery in life is not whatever happened to Amelia Earheart. Or who built the Sphinx.
Or how did Alexander the Great die.

But, why did you leave?


An unfinished story is a lot more annoying than an unhappy ending.
Soudtrack of the day: Feng by Jay Zhou

Horoscope for today:
You need to make some more room in your life for just goofing off! Why not give yourself permission to follow your mood every once in a while? Daydreaming never hurt anyone, and it certainly won't slow you down long enough today to hold you back from making progress. It's not a waste of time to imagine what life would be like if things were different -- it's a good way to stay creative! You need to make sure that you have at least a couple hours of free time, today.

Yeah, been thinking what my life would be if things were different.

Would it be better? Would it be more beautiful? Would it be less?
Would it be perfect instead?
Would I still be like who I am today?

Been wishing that it was different. Feeling that it would all be perfectly beautiful if my life was some other people's. But, as always, I got home. Look around, and realized that my life is still mine after all...

But hey, then again, that's just once-in-a-while feeling. Looking at brighter side, I thank God for what I have. I wouldn't trade it for anyone's life. For all that I've been through, has made me who I am today.

Does everything have its ad nauseam?

ad nau·se·am (d nôz-m)
To a disgusting or ridiculous degree; to the point of nausea.
[Latin ad, to + nauseam, accusative of nausea, sickness.]
[Look in Google]

No matter what we do, no matter what we have, no matter good or bad, we'll get sick of it at some point.
In friendship, we get bored with each other, that's why we stop talking to or contacting each other.
Even couples divorce cos they sick of each other. Maybe they don't admit it, maybe they don't even realize it, but that could be the fact.
(Don't even make me start writing about family...)
That's could also be the reason we take things for granted.


"Yes I am, but I'd like to keep it that way. Now, leave me alone!"
"The SC is not only where my image is at stake, but my self-esteem as well.."
"Why do God let me have this feeling when it'll only ruin me? He know, you know, we all know, that I can't afford to get distracted. Not right now, not in the next 14 years."
I hate you not because of who you are..
But because you're proud that you are.
I thought I knew him close enough by now. But just like human, there's always a side of him that's come to my surprise --and taken me off guard.
And guess what, I got to know his friend: Fed Up.

But, ah, a letter come to me today. From an Echelon. And it just cheered me up because of its kind words. It's funny cos the one who always made my day is Echelon. While all the others are just non-believer who would care --or rather, don't have time to care about me. And the even funnier thing, those "others" are the ones who laugh at Echelon most of the time. What the...?
It doesn't matter, though. It has been said: not everybody will understand it, and that's okay. It's just for the people that do.

Long live Echelon! Provehito in Altum!
Love always come hand in hand with sorrow --no, not only hand in hand, they're Siamese twin: you can't separate them. Even through operation, it'll be dangerous.
Is it worth it to let both come into our dwellings? Will there be enough space for both?
It's no longer pieces now, it's already dust...
Stand up not just for what you believe in, but also for who you are..
Let's not tell.. (7Sept)

Have you ever hurt so bad it feels so good?

"...he cuts me and the pain is all I wanna feel.."
misquote from BSB Helpless When She Smiles

My godbrother once said, "PAIN is the greatest pleasure in life." I didn't agree and didn't understand then. But I do understand now (even though I'm still not entirely agree).

Sometimes, in a weird unexplainable way, I am (and I believe most of other people are) drawn to pain. And it does bring us some pleasure --or in this case, bring me.
I know pain enable human to survive. But I thought only because it sharpens our survival instinct, so we learn to avoid it. But I've learned a different case now.

Some people find comfort in pain.
Some in physical form: cutting and slashing.
Some in non-physical form: reminding themselves of hurtful things.

Yes, mine is the second case. And yeah, I know. Somebody here needs bad help from a shrink...
"I've been through that." , "Everybody's gone through that stage." don't make it easier to go through...
Should I fall down, I'll drag somebody with me.
Money is scary. Or is it the person that is?
Theory: Unsuccessful people have no family behind them to support them morally.
Life is just a container, a medium; we decide what's inside it.

Serba salah

When I'm quiet, they say I don't want to share stories.
When I talk, they say I keep talking about myself.

Ketika aku diam, dibilangnya aku tidak mau berbagi
Ketika aku berbicara, dibilangnya aku hanya berbicara tentang diri sendiri
Now is an excellent time to take stock of where you are -- and where you want to go in one of your personal relationships. Things have been complicated lately, and they need to be addressed. So seek the quieter path right now and give yourself time to replay the events of the past few days in your head. If you are feeling introspective and moody, just go with it -- it's the perfect frame of mind for figuring out what this person really means to you.
Many things that children can't do is not because they don't learn, but because they're not taught to.
I was just thinking about the 4 personality types, and wonder what their answers might be if they're asked what life is.
It could turn out to be like this:

I don't care. I've said it and I'd say it again, life is black and white.

Let's not differentiate lives...

Life is not just black and white. It's not just what is and what's not. There are many probabilities. There are many shades of gray..

Life is not black and white, it's colorful!
Everything we see is what we want to believe.
We are who we want to believe.

Something (in any understanding) becomes a masterpiece because of its beautiful details.

The pain is doubled when we see our enemy is living OUR dream(s).

Biggest regret: I throw everything else along with my broken hear.

Want =/= Deserve

Just because you want something doesn't mean you deserve to get it.

So remember that when you walk past something that you want but can't really afford to buy.

Impulse buying might feed your needs for a minute or two, but the long-lasting financial sting is not worth the temporary joy. Think long-term about your money now.
There are many important investment opportunities coming up, and you need to have capital at hand in order to make the most of them.