~Audi alteram partem~

You know your part of the story. Now hear the other side.
Cos everyone just want to be heard

I cannot have a normal colleague

I'm glad to report that my colleague with the incredible thoughts have moved back to her home country, ready for spawning. She's at her 2nd spawn right now. I hope she stops at two. I don't think the world can bear any more little incredible thoughts such as hers in this world.

But I can't catch a break. Even before the first is gone, the second came. Not only this second one has some similar incredible thoughts, she's outspoken too.

One outspokenness that bother me is, she really likes to report to me whenever she's going to the toilet for a big business. Or anything that's related to her big business, really. Usually it's verbal, but here's a written evidence of her favourite past time in office:

That's not the first time too. I just didn't get to screenshot her other reports.

I'm flattered that she feels the need to report to her senior in life, but I really do not need to know that particular aspect of her life.

“Planet Earth is the insane asylum of the galaxy.”
- Werner Von Braun 


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