~Audi alteram partem~

You know your part of the story. Now hear the other side.
Cos everyone just want to be heard

"Take your time"

I wish people stop saying "take your time".
I know sometimes it means 'it's not priority, please do other more important thing first'.
But this permission to take one's time only works for people with high integrity.

For lazy people it means 'oh I don't have to do it now, I'll do it when they're actually panicking about it'.
So let's stop giving lazy people permission to take their time.

The only time we should take we time is to stop and think.
Take our time to make a decision, take our time to take a deep breath so that we don't say that next sarcastic thing that 'hurtful sometimes', or on the other hand, take our time to think up of the most sarcastic thing we can come up with.

Otherwise, please don't take your time.
When we work on something, or preparing to go somewhere, or realising our dreams.
Have a sense of urgency.


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