~Audi alteram partem~

You know your part of the story. Now hear the other side.
Cos everyone just want to be heard

The conspiracy of love

There's this one thing that's been swarming inside my head, but I've never been able to put it into words. You know, that kind of things, happen sometimes.
I've been thinking.. why is there such a high divorce rate lately, especially in America (you're NOT gonna argue me on that one)? Then I realized: Too many romantic movies. Too many Disney movies.

Girls have been taught since toddlers that the sole purpose of their lives is to find that one Prince Charming, who would ride on that one suave white horse, and sweeps you right off your feet and make you fall head over heels. (Don't even get me started on how they're taught that the numero uno priority in their lives is being pretty).

Then there's those Korean dramas. A guy is willing to change for his girl? A jerk becomes a gentleman because of a girl? Um, what? A guy spends the whole day to accompany the girl he fancies? Dow we really want that?

Then girls expect their boyfriends to do the same things the Korean drama guys do, the wives expect their husbands to be as romantic.
And all the malekind thought "What's batshit-craze going on here? Let's go back to Mars."

Girls, let's wake up from this slumber, let's wake up from these dreams. Instead of expecting man to do things for you, start doing things for yourself. Instead of spending your energy trying to be with successful, rich guys, why don't you achieve something for a change? Isn't that what feminism is all about?

P.S.: I don't know if this has to do with anything, but.. what's with guys and sandwich and beer? Do guys really love those things so much, or is this another conspiracy by the movies?


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