~Audi alteram partem~

You know your part of the story. Now hear the other side.
Cos everyone just want to be heard

Life of Alexander the Great

356 - The birth of Alexander the Great
343 - Aristotle becomes Alexander's tutor
340 - Alexander becomes regent
339 - Alexander joins Philip on campaign
338 - Battle of Chaeronea
337 - Philip marries Cleopatra
336 - Darius becomes King of Persia
Philip murdered; Alexander becomes King of Macedonia
335 - Cleopatra and Europa murdered; Alexander Greek campaign
334 - Battle of Granicus
333 - Battle of Issus
332 - Siege of Tyre; Alexander crowned Pharaoh of Egypt
331 - Alexander visits Oracle at Siwah
Battle of Gaugamela
330 - Burning of Persepolis
Darius murdered; Parmenio murdered
329 - Crossing Hindu Kush
328 - Alexander murders Cleitus
327 - Alexander marries Roxanne of Sogdiana
Pages conspiracy; Callisthenes killed
326 - Battle of Jhelum
Alexander's army mutinies
325 - Alexander wounded by the Malli
Makran Desert journey
Death of Bucephalus
324 - Hephaestion's death
Mass marriages in Susa
323 - Alexander the Great's death


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