~Audi alteram partem~

You know your part of the story. Now hear the other side.
Cos everyone just want to be heard

Heaven butterfly
Daddy once told me that when mommy passed away, she was taken by the butterflies into Heaven. From that day forward, I swore that I would torture and kill every last one of them until they would reveal to me the location of this so called "Heaven".

- Red Butterfly description from Gaia Online

Learning to count with the Koreans

What else the South Koreans are known for beside for the girl and boyband, and kimchi?
Hint: No, not their nuclear technology.
But of course their creativity in posing for pictures! Let's learn one thing or two or three from them on how to pose for that portrait.. Cos we want to take picture of nobody, nobody but you.


Zero point Five









Eight and nine are not figured out yet. Maybe you have suggestion? ;)

Sources:  AsianPoses 


Sometimes..your knight in shining armor is a retard with a tin foil.

Cigs are like hamsters

YamiAmy said:

"Cigarettes are a lot like hamsters, perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire. amirite?"

Laugh and cry with the same amount