~Audi alteram partem~

You know your part of the story. Now hear the other side.
Cos everyone just want to be heard

"There's nothing better than a good lie.."

Mood: Angry
Soundtrack: Evanescene, "Everybody's Fool"

There are more lies than broken promises.

There are more lies around you than you realize.
The promises of love, of parent's love, of best friends',
the promises of shoulder you can cry on, of helping hands, of anything on earth.
It's all lies.
Where are they when your world's falling apart?
Where are they when you're trying so hard picking up your shattered dream?
When you bleed by crystallized tears?
Keeping their own world and dreams safe. Away from you.

They break your heart with their lies,
stomp on it with their indifference,
throw it away and laugh away.
Then they're condemn you for not having a heart?!

Another story of love

Well, I stumbled onto this video of Lindsay Lohan's 'Over', and I almost cry when I watch it. Nope, not exactly because of the touching story the video clip tells, but because of how resemble it is to the story I have in my head for so many years! -- I even already have the name and the background for each character! *shudder with excitement*

Yeah, it is my bad that I've never wrote the story down. Well, not yet. I currently have two other stories I need to write down. Grrr, I have so many stories in my head that I just couldn't write onto words.

30 Seconds to Mars on Boogie TV (part 1)

When the whole world around you is drowned, I will be here. Maybe I will not be strong enough to protect you or to save you. But I will be here. With you. Never will let you feeling alone.

When the whole world around me is drowned, I don't want you to be here. I want you to be in somewhere safe. Knowing that you are safe is enough to giving me strength, to survive or to face death.

"Never judge a book by its cover"

"Never judge a book by its cover", how many times have we heard this saying? But how many times have we failed to do it? Or instead should I say: how many times have we succeeded to do it?
It is alway easier to point your finger at everyone else, than to point it towards yourself, isn't it?
Hrrgh..whatever. I'm just having a super bad day today. And I think I'm going crazy. All I think of is just him. Can't concentrate myself to other things. And what does he have to do with judging a book by its cover? Well, people judge him because of who he is. Fact is, those people don't know him. And those people judge me because I love him for who he is. Shallow people. They're so lost.

"This is the story of unspoken love..."