~Audi alteram partem~

You know your part of the story. Now hear the other side.
Cos everyone just want to be heard

Showing posts with label Spotted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spotted. Show all posts

Life on Mars?

Mars/Earth Enigma
Alright... So I'm reading this book called Mars/Earth Enigma: A Sacred Message to Mankind by DeAnna Emerson.
And there's this paragraph in this book, describing the relic of face on mars: "...the strange humanoid face with a tear in one eye,..." Guess what picture comes to my mind? [Hint: see picture on you right hand side] Okay, for Echelon, you definitely know whose mask this is (in a way, it's ours! *lol*). For those who don't understand, it's a 'trademark' mask of 30 Seconds to Mars.
Gosh, there really is more than meets the eyes with this band.
I knew the story behind their name is truly got something to do with Mars (beside the philosophy, that is), but about the mask....that's a new revelation.

There is another surprise regarding the topic.
I just got to know that there IS indeed a mention about life on other planets ON THE BIBLE. Yes, in the Christian Bible.
That's like, shattering all the beliefs I've ever had all this while. I mean, since I was young I've been taught "There is no such things like ET or whatever out here in the universe. The only life is here, on earth. No other planets. The Bible stated so. *the sentences go on...*)"
But wait, wait, wait, "the research" is not done yet. It could be some problem with the Bible translation *suspicious look* Will inform you more about that later, so PLEASE, don't draw conclusions just yet.

It's already so baffling, and I haven't even finished half of the book! I'm looking forward to be further "enlightened" by it :D
"mỗi khi bên bạn không có ai.... thì hãy nhìn lên bầu trời đầy sao hay ánh nắng........ có thể là ở 1 nơi xa kia cũng đang có 1 người chia sẻ với bạn......"
*Quoted from someone's profile

"each side when you do not have one . please look up the skies full of stars or the sun .
may be in one place far there is one to share with you"

Another story of love

Well, I stumbled onto this video of Lindsay Lohan's 'Over', and I almost cry when I watch it. Nope, not exactly because of the touching story the video clip tells, but because of how resemble it is to the story I have in my head for so many years! -- I even already have the name and the background for each character! *shudder with excitement*

Yeah, it is my bad that I've never wrote the story down. Well, not yet. I currently have two other stories I need to write down. Grrr, I have so many stories in my head that I just couldn't write onto words.

About * L O V E *

about love Bila suatu hari pasangan Anda meminta Anda melakukan atraksi sirkus: berjalan diatas seutas tali yang terbentang di ketinggian 3 meter, sekadar untuk menyenangkan hatinya, akankah anda melakukannya? Anda tahu itu akan menjadi tindakan yang sangat bodoh, bila anda benar-benar melakukannya. 

Sekadar untuk menyenangkan hatinya? Bagaimana bila aku jatuh dan patah tulang?” Anda juga tahu, bila pasangan Anda benar-benar mencintai Anda, ia tidak akan meminta Anda melakukan hal konyol seperti itu. Tetapi pertanyaannya adalah, akankah Anda melakukannya untuk dia –-dia, yang Anda cintai?

Mencintai adalah sebuah pilihan. Mencintai bukanlah menginginkan, apalagi meminta kebahagiaan. Sebaliknya, mencintai adalah memberikan kebahagiaan pada orang yang anda cintai. Cinta itu harus tetap ada, bahkan ketika orang yang kita cintai tidak (lagi) mencintai kita. Mencintai bukanlah sekadar “aku akan tetap mencintaimu walaupun kamu pergi.”
Tetapi, “aku akan tetap mencintaimu walaupun kamu menyelamatkan dia terlebih dahulu, ketika dia dan aku akan tenggelam.”
Mereka bilang, cinta butuh pengorbanan. Tidak. Bila Anda benar-benar mencintai, Anda tidak akan merasa sedang berkorban.
Kita harus mulai merevisi ulang makna cinta dalam kamus hidup kita. Akan menjadi pekerjaan yang sulit, memang, karena sudah entah berapa lama makna ‘cinta’ itu disalah-artikan.