~Audi alteram partem~

You know your part of the story. Now hear the other side.
Cos everyone just want to be heard

"Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." 
-Robin of How I Met Your Mother

"...can't even speak simple English."

The pot calling the kettle black:

Singaporeans bad English

Sometimes, in this part of the world you have to deal with people with a smile on your face and a knife behind your back.

(Un)learning hypocrisy

Don't be a hypocrite.
The smart will avoid you.
The mediocre will hate you.
The stupid will follow you.

Life is a process of learning.
Not just a learning of what to know, but also what to be.
There are many things I learned to be before. I learned to be strong, to be resilient. I learned to be rebellious. I learned to be calculative. I learned to have faith in humanity --and then to have none. I learned to be a leader, I learned to be a follower, I learned to be a spectator.
But the one thing I didn't realize I have to learn, is to be evil.
This is the day. This is the red mark on the calendar that I am learning to be evil.
It is not something I want to do, but something I need to do. Just like any other learning process.
But this one, is a learning that is fueled by hatred towards a hypocrite.

Jedi's birthday gift

Look what I got my bf for his birthday!
Well, I'm kinda broke, so I can't get him fancy gifts and so I've go to get creative.
He absolutely loves Star Wars, so I have my choices narrowed down. Now if only I can think of a theme..
Should I go for Jedi or to the dark side?

I had an empty box put together with some printed materials, rope twine, and ribbons.
Jedi birthday box

Print a card in weird shape. In this case, a lightsaber.
Jedi birthday card (lightsaber)
Jedi birthday card
"The highest reward for a man's toil is not what he gets for it,
but what he becomes by it." Somewhat sounds like Yoda.
I bought a "Jedi Path" book for some $20, designed and printed a "Jedi Starter Kit" booklet and, tadaaa.. This is what I get: a box of Jedi Manual, complete with Jedi braid I made from my own hair XD
Jedi starter kit
Jedi braid

My bf was absolutely ecstatic when he got the gift. Great gifts don't always mean they're expensive. Like any other great things, it just needs to be something you put your thoughts into.
I've proven it. Now, your turn.