~Audi alteram partem~

You know your part of the story. Now hear the other side.
Cos everyone just want to be heard

The Falling Star

Teringat Ksatria, Putri, dan Bintang Jatuh
Teringat ketika sang Bintang terjatuh, tersandung cinta
Teringat ketika sang ksatria lebih memilih sang putri
Tapi kini sang Bintang tak lagi jatuh, ia telah mencapai tempat tujuannya
Dan siap menjelma menjadi seorang Putri

Falling is just flying with a rough landing.

What family is

"That's what family is —People who hate you but can't kill you 'cause they're the first ones questioned."
- Max Black from 2 Broke Girls

Intro to introverts

"While extroverts tend to get bored easily when they don't have enough to do, introverts have the opposite problem: they get easily distracted and overwhelmed in environments with an excess of stimulation."

15 Things That Introverts Would Never Tell You
"The good life doesn't always mean the easy life."
-Matt, a good Christian Dad

Colourful friendship

Look at what my cute colleagues brought me! I'm not big on celebrations, but who can resist this awesome cake brought in by a magical unicorn.

So last year I got 8-flavoured cheesecake, and this year I got 7-coloured rainbow cake! Awesome, awesome, awesome!
It's the most colourful cake I've ever seen in my life!
Fork? What fork?
Who needs fork?