~Audi alteram partem~

You know your part of the story. Now hear the other side.
Cos everyone just want to be heard

!! and ??

There are some kind of people who don't know the difference between an exclamation mark and a question mark.
She is the kind of person who doesn't know the difference between an exclamation mark and a question mark.

And the boys love it.

There's this girl who has been flirting with my bf. That doesn't even bother me. At first.
But theeeen.. she really likes to teach me how to use English. Correcting my sentences and all. I mean, excuse me ma'am, I'm the one who spent 3 years of formal education of Mass Communication and I'm not the one who speaks the hybrid of Engrin (English-Mandarin).
The funny thing is, THAT makes my bf interested in her. Every time she rephrases my sentence, he'd just jump in and express how correct she is. Even my bestie's bf is always all over her that way.
I feel like.... -- nvm, not even important. I'm just amazed every time --THIS is the kind of girls that guys go for?Dumb and bossy; and 'talkative' is an understatement.
Oh sure, she does it in a cutesy, cutesy way. Battling eyelashes laden with mascara, pouting lips you can't kiss cos of thick lip gloss. But, really guys?


Just realized that in the working world, being bossy means you'll be promoted as manager very soon.

Damn, dad, why did you have to teach me to be obedient whole my life. Now I have difficulty ordering people around. And in my boss' eyes, I'm "not a manager material. I know one when I see one."

So for kids out there, if you want to be manager very fast, (here in Singapore, anyway) please cultivate your bossiness as early in your life as possible.

Expectation vs Reality

A girl who has never eaten a lobster in her life...

Girl: I want to eat lobster :(
Boyfriend: *secretly plan a romantic date by the sea with lobster in the menu, and not forgetting the rose petals shower*

Girl: I want to eat lobster :(
Boyfriend: Yeah, me too.

Moral of the day:
Don't look for a rich boyfriend, but look for a boyfriend who's willing to spend for you.
Don't look for a boyfriend that can play music instrument, but one who would want to play for you.
Don't look for someone who merely loves you, but one who's willing to show it.
And once again, the Bible is right, don't look for someone who is able to, but for one who is willing to do so.


One day, we will all learn to be proud of our achievements, freely.
He who dares not to talk about his achievement, has achieved nothing.
-Inspired by Francisco D'Anconia.
Dancer jump
Cliff jump
Skate jump

Blood and sex

There are two things that automatically, almost irresistibly, grab our attention: Blood and sex, the remnants of our primal instincts.