~Audi alteram partem~

You know your part of the story. Now hear the other side.
Cos everyone just want to be heard

14 Oct 2008

The Bottom Line
Disengage from people who exhibit childlike behavior. They will only slow you down.

In Detail
Trying to figure out what is motivating other people is a waste of your time, so if you have been wringing your hands over a mysterious situation, stop. If someone isn't going to tell you what you need to know, they aren't going to tell you --no matter how long you wait or how many hoops you jump through. Move on today, and disengage from such childlike behavior. They have been having too much fun stringing you along, and you're no puppet. Too bad for them.

Does everything have its ad nauseam?

ad nau·se·am (d nôz-m)
To a disgusting or ridiculous degree; to the point of nausea.
[Latin ad, to + nauseam, accusative of nausea, sickness.]
[Look in Google]

No matter what we do, no matter what we have, no matter good or bad, we'll get sick of it at some point.
In friendship, we get bored with each other, that's why we stop talking to or contacting each other.
Even couples divorce cos they sick of each other. Maybe they don't admit it, maybe they don't even realize it, but that could be the fact.
(Don't even make me start writing about family...)
That's could also be the reason we take things for granted.


"Yes I am, but I'd like to keep it that way. Now, leave me alone!"
Soundtrack of the day: Fighter by Christina Aguilera

Thank you for not believing in me; you make me learn to believe in myself...
"After all you've put me through, you'd think I despise you.
But in the end, I wanna thank you.
Cos you make me damn much stronger."

cinta dan matematika (hrs ngitung soalnya)

Silahkan main jg klo mau...

[x]pengen ketemu dia
[ ]mikirin kalo lagi ga ngapa2in
[x]selalu mikirin dy meski ad kerjaan
[x]senyum2 sendiri kalo lg mikirin dy
[ ]deg2an kalo ngbayangin wajahnya
so far: 3

[x]pengen dy sms kamu duluan
[x]pengen sms dy
[x]pengen dy nyapa kamu
[x]pengen ngobrol sm dy
[x]kdg pgn b2an
so far: 8

[ ]salting di depan dy
[ ]deg2an kalo dy ad d dkt kmu
[x]mencari keberadaannya
[x]spontan liat ke arah dy terus
so far: 11

[ ]berusaha buat ngbikin dy seneng
[x]cemburu liat dy ama cewe/ cowo lain
[ ]kl dtanya syp yg dsuka lgsg kpikiran dy
[x]nungguin sms dy
[x]pgn ksi sesuatu buat dy
so far: 14

[x]pgn meluk dy
[ ]pgn dy blg cinta
[ ]pgn dy menunjukkan rs cintanya
[ ]perna ngbayangin dicium dy
[ ]pgn milikin dy
so far: 15

nah skrg hasilna dkali 4...
15 × 4 = 60%
yah... "cinta" 60% doang.. haha..
"mỗi khi bên bạn không có ai.... thì hãy nhìn lên bầu trời đầy sao hay ánh nắng........ có thể là ở 1 nơi xa kia cũng đang có 1 người chia sẻ với bạn......"
*Quoted from someone's profile

"each side when you do not have one . please look up the skies full of stars or the sun .
may be in one place far there is one to share with you"